Europe Journal
5/16/2001 - 6/3/2001
Jason Victor

Day 5 - 5/19/01 - Day of the Dykes

Weather: Same (cloudy)
Location: Paris -> Amsterdam

Well, we got up extra-early today (and it's a good thing we did!) because we took some twists and turns to get to the station.

Once we found the right train, we got 15 minutes out and the train stopped ... for 2 hours!!! It died and we were stranded in the middle of French countryside!

After they fixed the problem, we were on our way (for 3.5 more hours) to Amsterdam!

What a city! It's beautiful. There are lots of freshly-blooming trees and canals. When we got out of the train station, we took a canal-boat ride to our hotel and dropped off our suitcases.

We got these great "pancakes" from a pancake house. It looked like a crepe with ham and cheese on top. It was different, but tasty!

Then, we went to the Anne Frank museum. it was the actual house that Anne Frank and her family stayed in when they were hiding from the Germans. The whole story is incredibly tragic.

The pictures she put on the wall were still hanging there and the books they read while in hiding were on display. After you take a tour of the house, you step in a museum, where it shows the outcome of the Frank family. Anna, her sister, and her mother all died in the concentration camps.

The museum was cool, too. They had this multimedia presentation at the end where you would watch a controversial issue in today's society and then vote on your viewpoint. And example would be freedom of speech vs. anti-hate speech. It was interesting because there were a lot of Americans, so we pretty much dominated the "freedom of speech" side of the issue.

After the museum, we went to an Indonesian restaurant! Very tasty! It was a little like Indian food with a middle-eastern flair. Hilary ordered this green drink with chunks in it. It sat alone on the other side of the table, though. =)

All in all: Great meal and they even prepared it without beef, which is a good thing because of all this "mad cow" disease going around. We finished the evening dodging poorly-lit alleyways and eating Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.


PS: (I'm writing this at a train station, so I'll explain on tomorrow's entree)
